Wow. Cuba is the largest island in the Caribbean. Cuba is the least commercialized island and is by far, the most exciting. Cuba gained its independence from Spain in 1898 and after a brief US military rule in 1902 became self ruling. In the years after independence the economy grew but government corruption lead to an overthrow of the regime lead by Fidel Castro in 1959. Since then, economic growth has been slow.
Despite this, Cuba is a fabulous country to visit, it is very rich in culture and diversity. Cuba boasts of the most beautiful beaches in the world, large resorts dot the coast. The beaches of Varadero are world famous. Other resort areas include, Playa Paraiso, Playa Los Flamencos, Cayo Santa Maria, Cayo Largo and Playa Santa Lucia. There are countless other areas.
The Santiago de Cuba area is beautiful, the mountains sweep down to the ocean. This area is very historical, be sure to visit the Morro Fortress at the entrance to the harbor.
You can’t visit Cuba without going to the Old Havana City, winding streets lined with historical buildings, it is well worth a side trip. Don’t forget to visit Hemingways famous hotel spot, the Ambos Mundos Hotel located in La Habana, Cuba.
Photos from Brisas Sierra Mar (near Santiago de Cuba), Maria del Portillo (near Pilon), Los Galeones (Chivirico), Havana and Varadero. Click on photos below to enlarge…..